
A collection of selected keyboard shortcuts


| Action                                         | Shortcut                   |
|------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------|
| Move window to previous/next workspace         | Super+Shift+PgUp/PgDown    |
| Move window to monitor left/right              | Super+Shift+Left/Right     |
| Switch workspace                               | Super+PgUp/PgDown          |
| Switch keyboard layout                         | Super+Space                |


| Action                                         | Shortcut                   |
|------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------|
| Go to the start of the command line            | Ctrl+A                     |
| Go to the end of the command line              | Ctrl+E                     |
| Previous word begin                            | Alt+B                      |
| Next word end                                  | Alt+F                      |
| Last word of previous command                  | Alt+.                      |
| From cursor delete to start of line            | Ctrl+U                     |
| From cursor delete to end of line              | Ctrl+K                     |
| From cursor delete to start of word            | Ctrl+W                     |
| From cursor delete to end of word              | Alt+D                      |
|------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------|
| Run last command                               | !!                         |
| Run most recent command starting with foo      | !foo                       |
| Print most recent command starting with foo    | !foo:p                     |
| Last word of previous command                  | !$                         |
| Previous command without last argument         | !*                         |
| Print previous command without last argument   | !*:p                       |

IntelliJ / JetBrains IDEs

| Action                                         | Shortcut                  |
|------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------|
| Navigate to class                              | Ctrl+N                    |
| Navigate to file                               | Ctrl+Shift+N              |
| Quick code documentation                       | Ctrl+G                    |
| Surround code fragments                        | Ctrl+Alt+T                |
| Duplicate line or code block                   | Ctrl+D                    |
| Show parameter info                            | Ctrl+P                    |
| Move line or code fragment                     | Ctrl+Shift+ArrowKeys      |
| Reformat code                                  | Ctrl+Alt+L                |
| Extend selection                               | Ctrl+W                    |
| Shrink selection                               | Ctrl+Shift+W              |
| Rename                                         | Shift+F6                  |
| Delete word                                    | Ctrl+Backspace/Delete     |
| Show file structure                            | Ctrl+F12                  |

More to come